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The New York Times Published: April 7, 2006

A sampling of noteworthy musical presentations planned for the holiday season at churches and concert halls in New York City, selected by Jeremy Eichler. All are free unless otherwise noted. (Churches accept donations. Unless noted, church choirs are featured in church concerts.) An expanded listing is available online: nytimes.com/arts.


BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH (Roman Catholic), 152 West 71st Street, Manhattan. Handel's "Dixit Dominus" and Scarlatti's Cecilia Mass; AmorArtis Chorus and Orchestra; Cynthia Wallace and Jacqueline Horner, sopranos; Megan Friar, alto; Michael Steinberger, tenor; and Richard Holmes, bass. Johannes Somary, conductor and organist. 8 p.m.Tickets: $25 ($15 for students). Reservations: (212) 874-3990.

Palm Sunday

CHURCH OF THE HEAVENLY REST (Episcopal), Fifth Avenue at 90th Street. World premiere of "Eloi," with music by Timothy Brown, text by Bo Niles; Britten's "Still Falls the Rain," with text by Edith Sitwell; Gerald Near's Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis on Plainsong Themes; and George Oldroyd's "Song of the Passion"; Martin Vasquez, tenor; Sharon Weyser, French horn; Pablo Lavandera, piano; Mollie Nichols, conductor. 5 p.m. (212) 289-3400, ext. 206.

CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY (Episcopal), 316 East 88th Street, Manhattan. Frank Martin's "Et le Vie l'Emporta"; Bach's Cantata No. 4, "Christ lag in Todesbanden"; Osvaldo Golijov's "Lua Descolorida"; Arnold Schoenberg's "Notturno"; and Hugo Wolf's "Sacred Choruses"; Cantori New York with chamber orchestra; Mark Shapiro, conductor; Dr. Stephen Hamilton, minister of music. Tickets: $20; students, $15. 4 p.m. (212) 289-4100, ext. 210.

CHURCH OF THE TRANSFIGURATION (Little Church Around the Corner, Episcopal), 1 East 29th Street, Manhattan. William Byrd's Mass for Four Voices and "Tribulatio Proxima Est" and Antonio Lotti's "Crucifixus"; Dr. Claudia Dum schat, organist and choirmaster. 11 a.m. (212) 684-4174.

HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, Central Park West at 65th Street, Manhattan. Bach's Cantata for Palm Sunday (BWV 182), "Himmelskönig, sei willkommen"; Johann Michael Bach's "Herr, du lässest mich erfreuen"; Praetorius's "Benedicamus" and Magnificat, plainsong; Bach Choir and Bach Players; Alan Dornak, countertenor; John Russell, tenor; Joe Damon Chappel, bass. 5 p.m. (212) 877-6815.

Monday & Tuesday

GRACE CHURCH IN NEW YORK (Episcopal), 802 Broadway at 10th Street, West Village. Choral Evensong with the first portion of Buxtehude's "Membra Jesu Nostri." 8 p.m. Also Tuesday at 8 p.m. (212) 254-2000.


HOLY NAME OF JESUS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, 207 West 96th Street, Manhattan. Schütz's "Seven Last Words"; Farrant's "Hide Not Thou Thy Face"; "Libera Me," from Fauré's Requiem; Palestrina's "Adoramus Te"; "Hodie Mecum Eris," from Dubois's "Seven Last Words"; Randall DeBruyn's Psalm 22; with soloists; Peter Adamczyk, organist and director. 7:30 pm. (212) 749-0276.

ST. THOMAS CHURCH (Episcopal), Fifth Avenue at 53rd Street, Manhattan. Psalms for Tenebrae, plainsong; the Lamentations of Jeremiah, plainsong; Anerio's "Christus Factus Est"; and Allegri's "Miserere mei, Deus"; John Scott, organist and music director. 5:30 p.m. (212) 757-7013.


CHURCH OF ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA (Roman Catholic), 980 Park Avenue, at 84th Street. Weelke's "Hosanna to the Son of David"; Bruckner's "Christus Factus Est"; and the Passion of St. Mark, adapted by Kent Tritle; Mr. Tritle, music director. 7 p.m. (212) 288-2520.

CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Episcopal), Fifth Avenue at 10th Street, Greenwich Village. Messiaen's "Banquet Célèste" and "O Sacrum Convivium"; Duruflé's "Ubi Caritas" and "Tantum Ergo"; Titelouze's "Pange Lingua"; and Gregorian chants. Dennis Keene, organist and choirmaster. 6 p.m. (212) 254-8620.

HOLY TRINITY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, 213 West 82nd Street, Manhattan. Tallis's "New Commandment"; Bairstow's "I Sat Down"; Duruflé's "Ubi Caritas" and "Tantum Ergo"; Byrd's "Ave Verum"; Missa Guadalupe from Joel Martinson's "Gloria"; Gregorian chant propers and other works; Holy Trinity Schola Cantorum; the Young New Yorkers' Chorus; Christopher Berry, music director and organist. 8 p.m. (212) 787-0634.

Good Friday

CHURCH OF NOTRE DAME (Roman Catholic), 405 West 114th Street, Morningside Heights. At 10 a.m.: Mozarabic chant, "Lamentations of Jeremiah"; Gesualdo's "Amicus Meus Osculi Me," "Jesum tradidit impius" and "Ecce Quomodo Moritur Justus"; Bach's Passion Chorale; Byrd's "O Salutaris Hostia." At 3 p.m.: Bach's Passion Chorale; Gregorian chant, "Christus Factus Est"; Sanders's "Reproaches"; Jakob Handl's "Adoramus te"; Des Prez's "Miserere Mei"; de Lassus' "Ave Verum Corpus"; Christopher Mueller, music director. (212) 866-1500.

CHURCH OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI (Roman Catholic), 135 West 31st Street, Manhattan. Casals' "O Vos Omnes"; Barber's "Miserere"; St. John Passion, chant; and traditional songs; with soloists; Gwendolyn Toth, music director. Noon and 3:30 p.m. (212) 736-8500.

CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY (Episcopal), York Avenue at 74th Street, Manhattan. Stations of the Cross, accompanied by music for piano and didgeridoo, and electronic music. 6 p.m. (212) 737-2720.

CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY (The United Nations Parish, Roman Catholic), 315 East 47th Street, Manhattan. The Passion According to St. John, Gregorian chant; Allegri's "Miserere Mei, Deus"; John IV, king of Portugal's "Crux Fidelis"; John Bull's "In the Departure of the Lord"; Casals' "O Vos Omnes." 3 p.m. (212) 753-3401.

CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH (Roman Catholic), 529 West 121st Street, Morningside Heights. The Passion of Christ from the Gospel of John: a chant recitation in English with choral responses by William Byrd; the Reproaches from Victoria's "Improperia: Popule Meus, Quid Feci Tibi?"; Motets Adoramus te, Christe; "Quid Commisisti," from Harvey Burgett's Passion of Jesus Christ according to St. John; Morley's "Nolo Mortem Peccatoris"; Marion Beckenstein and Margery Daley, sopranos; Phyllis Farmer and Scott Fraser, altos; Brian Dougherty and David Ronis, tenors; Thomas Baker, Frank Barr, Phillip Gleason and Robert Kuehn, basses; Brian Dougherty, speaker; Robert Kuehn, baritone; Louise Basbas, music director. 3 p.m. (212) 666-9350.

HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 3 Central Park West at 65th Street, Manhattan. The Passion According to St. John, in a setting by Cantor Rick Erickson, with score for four solo voices, and Bach's St. Matthew Passion; Jacqueline Horner, soprano; Alan Dornak, countertenor; John Russell, tenor; Joe Damon Chappel, bass. Noon. (212) 877-6815.

MADISON AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 921 Madison Avenue, at 73rd Street. Casals' "O Vos Omnes"; Handel's "Behold the Lamb of God" from "Messiah"; Lotti's "Crucifixus"; Poulenc's "Vinea Mea Electa" and "Tenebrae Factae Sunt"; Robinson's "Improperium"; Andrew Henderson, music director and organist. Noon. (212) 288-8920.

MARBLE COLLEGIATE CHURCH (Reformed Church in America), Fifth Avenue at West 29th Street. Kyrie, from Verdi's Requiem; "Confutatis," from Dvorak's Requiem; "Lacrimosa," from Mozart's Requiem; "Libera Me," from Fauré's Requiem; "Beautiful Savior," arranged by F. Melius Christiansen; Kenneth Dake, music director; Colin Fowler, organist. Noon. (212) 686-2770.

ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH (Episcopal) Park Avenue at 51st Street. Hampton's "Faithful Cross"; Lassus' "Adoramus Te, Christi"; Peeters's "Ave Verum Corpus"; Palestrina's "Sicut Cervus"; Chilcott's "Were You There?"; Lotti's "Crucifixus à 8"; and plainsong, Psalm 22; William Trafka, music director and organist. Noon. Dupré's "Stations of the Cross"; Stephen Tharp, associate organist. 6 p.m. (212) 378-0222.

ST. JOHN'S IN THE VILLAGE (Episcopal), 224 Waverly Place, at 11th Street, West Village. Ingegneri's "In Monte Oliveti" and "Ecce Vidimus"; Haydn's "Tristis Est Anima Mea"; Willan's "Eram Quasi Agnus"; Jakob Handl's "Sepulto Domino"; Bruckner's "Christus Factus Est." 6:30 p.m. (212) 243-6192.

Holy Saturday

CHURCH OF ST. LUKE IN THE FIELDS (Episcopal), 487 Hudson Street, at Grove Street, West Village. Palestrina's "Sicut Cervus"; Howells's Psalm 23; Peter Philips's "Ecce Vicit Leo"; Martens's "Alleluia. Christ Our Passover"; Taverner's "Dum Transisset"; Karol Steadman and Marcia Young, sopranos; Lisa Hindmarsh and Ayelet Piatigorsky, altos; Todd Frizzell and Christopher Howatt, tenors; Elliot Z. Levine and Michael Reder, basses; David Shuler, music director and organist. 8 p.m. (212) 924-0562.

CHURCH OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI (Roman Catholic), 135 West 31st Street, Manhattan. Noyon's "Christus Vincit," arranged by Gerre Hancock; Philips's "Surgens Jesu"; de Lassus's "Scio Enim"; and other works; with brass and soloists; Gwendolyn Toth, music director. 8 p.m. (212) 736-8500.

CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY (Episcopal), York Avenue at 74th Street, Manhattan. Howells's "Like as the Hart Desireth the Water Brooks"; Hurford's "Magdalen, Cease From Sobs and Sighs"; Toccata from Widor's Symphony No. 5; Kamala Sankaram, soprano; Penelope Cruz, mezzo-soprano; Jorge Altamirano, tenor; Charles Elliott, baritone; Elizabeth Hung Wong, organist and choirmaster. 7:30 p.m. (212) 737-2720.

CHURCH OF THE HOLY APOSTLES (Episcopal), Ninth Avenue at 28th Street, Chelsea. Donald Joyce's "Song of Moses and Miriam"; David Hurd's Intercession Mass; Victoria's "Vidi Aquam," "Surrexit Pastor Bonus" and "Ardens Est cor Meum"; the "Hallelujah" Chorus from Handel's "Messiah," andhymns; Mr. Hurd, music director and organist. 8 p.m. (212) 807-6799.

CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION (Episcopal), 119 East 74th Street, Manhattan. Palestrina's "Sicut Cervus"; Schubert's Mass No. 4 in C (Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus); Stanford's Magnificat in C; David Enlow, organist and choirmaster. 7 p.m. (212) 879-4320.

CLOISTERS, Fort Tryon Park, Washington Heights. "Passion and Resurrection Motets of the Renaissance," with Elzéar Genet's "Lamentatio Jeremie"; de Morales's "Circumdederunt Me"; de Lassus' "Regina Coeli" and "Tristis Est Anima mea"; Gesualdo's "Tenebrae Factae Sunt" and "Judas, Mercator Pessimus"; Monteverdi's "Felle amaro" and "Plorat Amare"; Byrd's "In Resurrectione Tua" and "Haec Dies" and other works; Pomerium, Alexander Blachly, director. 1 and 3 p.m. Tickets: $35; includes museum admission. (212) 650-2290; www.metmuseum.org.

CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH (Roman Catholic), 529 West 121st Street, Morningside Heights. Gregorian chant: "Exsultet; The First Canticle of Moses"; "Vidi Aquam" and "Pascha Nostrum; Psalms and Canticles"; Palestrina's Missa brevis, Agnus Dei; Vaughan Williams's "Salve Festa Dies (Hail Thee, Festival Day!)"; Jacob Handl's "Surrexit Dominus"; Lassus' "Surrexit Pastor Bonus"; Gregorian chant; Catherine Aks and Marion Beckenstein, sopranos; Phyllis Farmer and Scott Fraser, altos; David Ronis, tenor; Thomas Baker, Phillip Gleason and Robert Kuehn, basses; Louise Basbas, director of music and organist. 8 p.m. (212) 666-9350; www.corpus-christi-nyc.org.

ST. PHILIP NERI CHURCH (Roman Catholic), 3025 Grand Concourse, at 202nd Street, Bedford Park, the Bronx. Proulx's Mass for the City; Francisco López Capillas's "Alleluia! Dic Nobis Maria"; Victoria's "Victimae Paschali Laudes"; Hillert's Festival Canticle; the "Hallelujah" Chorus from Handel's "Messiah"; Palestrina's "Sicut Cervus"; and other works; with brass ensemble and timpani; Frederick R. Schminke, music director. 7 p.m. (718) 733-3200.

Easter Sunday

BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH (Roman Catholic), 152 West 71st Street, Manhattan. Fugue from Mendelssohn's Sonata No. 2; Viadana's Missa Hora Passa; Byrd's "Terra Tremuit"; "Let Their Celestial Concerts Now Unite" and "Let the Bright Seraphim," from Handel's "Samson," and the "Hallelujah" Chorus, from Handel's "Messiah"; AmorArtis Chamber Choir; Cynthia Wallace, soprano; Dean Prouty, timpani; Johannes Somary, conductor. 12:30 p.m. (212) 877-3111.

BRICK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Park Avenue at 91st Street. Adams's "Holy City"; Anerio's "Alleluia, Christus Surrexit"; the "Hallelujah" Chorus and "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth," from Handel's "Messiah"; Mozart's "Alleluia"; Noyon's "Christus Vincit"; Thompson's "Alleluia"; Toccata from Widor's Symphony No. 5; Tonna L. Miller and Phyllis Whitehouse, sopranos; John Bernard and Scott Mello, tenors; Thomas Hoyt and Kevin Cobb, trumpet; Peter Schoettler, French horn; George Hoyt and Donald Hayward, trombone; Benjamin Harms, percussion; Dr. John B. Herrington III, organist; Keith S. Toth, music minister and conductor. 9 and 11 a.m. (212) 289-4400.

CARNEGIE HALL Poulenc's "Gloria"; Debussy's "Danse Sacrée et Danse Profane"; Duruflé's Messe "Cum Jubilo" (Op. 11); New England Symphonic Ensemble; Jane Thorngren, soprano; Kirsten Agresta, harpist; and choruses and choirs from around the country; Eric Dale Knapp and John Robert Liepold, conductors. 2 p.m. Tickets: $35 to $89. (212) 247-7800.

CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Park Avenue at 64th Street, Manhattan. Franck's Third Chorale for organ; Bach's "My Spirit Be Joyful," from the Easter Cantata; the "Hallelujah" Chorus from Beethoven's "Christ on the Mount of Olives"; Macfarlane's "Christ Our Passover"; Vulpius's "Now Is Christ Risen From the Dead"; and Stainer's "God So Loved the World." 11 a.m. (212) 838-0808.

CHURCH OF NOTRE DAME (Roman Catholic), 405 West 114th Street, Morningside Heights. Isaac's "Resurrexi"; Schubert's Deutsche Messe; Mueller's "Victimae Paschali Laudi"; de Morales's "Vidi Aquam"; Tallis's "Dum Transisset"; Byrd's "Haec Dies"; Christopher Mueller, music director. 11:30 a.m. (212) 866-1500.

CHURCH OF ST. ANN AND THE HOLY TRINITY (Episcopal), 157 Montague Street, at Clinton Street, Brooklyn Heights. Byrd's "Haec Dies"; Scott's "Glory of Christ"; the "Hallelujah" Chorus from Handel's "Messiah"; and other works; Festival Brass of New York; Gregory Eaton, organist and music director. 11 a.m. (718) 875-6960.

CHURCH OF ST. MARY THE VIRGIN (Episcopal), 145 West 46th Street, Manhattan. At 11 a.m.: De Lassus' Missa Paschalis; Guerrero's "Maria Magdalene"; Vierne's Symphony No. 3: Intermezzo and Adagio; Toccata from Widor's Symphony No. 5; a Gregorian chant; and other works; Robert McCormick, organist and music director. At 4:30 p.m.: Marchand's "Díalogue"; Bach's "Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn" and Fugue in E flat; "Nimrod," from Elgar's "Enigma Variations"; Prelude on Willan's "O Filii et Filiae"; Robert McCormick, organist and music director. 4:30 p.m. (212) 869-5830.

CHURCH OF ST. VINCENT FERRER (Roman Catholic), 869 Lexington Avenue, at 66th Street. At 11:30 a.m.: Festival Prelude with works by Bach: "My Spirit Be Joyful" from the Easter Cantata, "Christ lag in Todesbanden," Prelude and Fugue in D and "Erstanden ist der heilge Christ"; and Gigout's "Grand Choeur Dialogué." At noon: Bairstow's "Sing Ye to the Lord"; Wood's "This Joyful Eastertide"; the "Hallelujah" Chorus from Handel's "Messiah"; Jackson's Mass in G; plainchants and Toccata from Widor's Symphony No. 5; Elizabeth Sniffen, soprano; Georgette Hutchins, alto; Joseph Palarca, tenor; David Belt, bass; Dr. Mark Bani, music director and organist. Noon. (212) 744-2080.

CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Episcopal), Fifth Avenue at 10th Street, Greenwich Village. Tournemire's Choral Improvisation on "Victimae Paschali"; Byrd's "Haec Dies"; Viadana's "Exsultate Justi";"Et expecto resurrectionum," from Bach's Mass in B Minor; Mendelssohn's "Holy, Holy," from "Elijah"; Palestrina's "Jesu Rex Admirabilis"; Vaughan Williams's "O Taste and See"; the Toccata from Widor's Symphony No. 5 and other works; Dennis Keene, organist and choirmaster. 11 a.m. (212) 254-8620.

CHURCH OF THE HOLY APOSTLES (Episcopal), Ninth Avenue at 28th Street, Chelsea. At 10:50 a.m.: Music for brass quartet and organ, including works by Bach, Gabrieli, Praetorius and Scheidt. At 11 a.m.: Vulpius's "Christ Now Is Risen"; Hurd's Psalm 118; Widor's "Surresit ad Mortuis"; Howells's "Haec Dies"; and other works; with brass quartet and timpani; David Hurd, music director and organist. (212) 807-6799.

CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY (The United Nations Parish, Roman Catholic), 315 East 47th Street, Manhattan. Mozart's Missa Brevis in D; Vierne's "Allegro" (Symphony No. 2); Macfarlane's "Christ Our Passover"; Palestrina's "Sicut Cervus Desiderat"; the "Hallelujah" Chorus from Handel's "Messiah"; the Toccata from Widor's Symphony No. 5; Paul J. Murray, music director and organist. Noon. (212) 753-3401.

CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY (Episcopal), 316 East 88th Street, Manhattan. Handel's Concerto in D for organ and trumpet; Toccata from Widor's Symphony No. 5; the "Hallelujah" Chorus from Handel's "Messiah"; Gallus's "This Is the Day"; Hancock's "Song to the Lamb"; David Spier, trumpet; Dr. Stephen Hamilton, music minister and organist. 9 and 11 a.m. (212) 289-4100.

CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION (Episcopal), 209 Madison Avenue, at 35th Street . Gloria from Mozart's Coronation Mass; "Easter" from Vaughan Williams's "Five Mystical Songs"; Sanctus from Fauré's Messe Basse; "Agnus Dei" from Duruflé's Messe Cum Jubilo; Thompson's "Alleluia"; Matthew Lewis, organist and music director. 11 a.m. (212) 689-6350.

CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION ( Episcopal), 119 East 74th Street, Manhattan. Mozart's "Orgelsolomesse"; Haydn's "Victimae paschali"; "Regina Coeli" from Mascagni's "Cavalleria Rusticana"; the East Side Orchestra; David Enlow, organist and choirmaster. 11 a.m. (212) 879-4320.

CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH (Roman Catholic), 529 West 121st Street, Morningside Heights. Campra's Missa "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam"; de Caurroy's "Victimae Paschali"; Victoria's "Ardens Est Cor Meum" and "Surrexit Pastor Bonus"; and Bach's Organ Chorale Preludes for Easter from "Orgelbuchlein"; Marion Beckenstein and Margery Daley, sopranos; Phyllis Farmer and Scott Fraser, altos; Brian Dougherty and David Ronis, tenors; Thomas Baker, Phillip Gleason and Robert Kuehn, basses; Louise Basbas, music director and organist. 11:15 a.m. (212) 666-9350.

MIDDLE COLLEGIATE CHURCH (Reformed Church in America), 50 East Seventh Street, East Village. At 6 a.m.: Easter sunrise celebration with music by Kate Whitney and Mark Rhenstrom. At 11 a.m.: Miller's Easter Fanfare; "Easter Hymn" from Mascagni's "Cavalleria Rusticana"; Thompson's "Alleluia"; and the "Hallelujah" Chorus from Handel's "Messiah"; Andrew Boehmke Jazz Trio, Manhattan Brass Quintet and the Jerriese Johnson East Village Gospel Choir; Freeman Palmer, music director. (212) 477-0666.

PARK AVENUE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ), at 85th Street, Manhattan. Mozart's Coronation Mass and motets by McNeil Robinson; Christopher Creaghan, organist; Amy Porter and Ena Freeman, sopranos; Melanie Sonnenberg, mezzo-soprano; Ross Chitwood, tenor; and Marcus Deloach, bass; Mr. Robinson, conductor. 11 a.m. (212) 288-3246.

RUTGERS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 236 West 73rd Street, Manhattan. Telemann's Heroic Music; Erickson's "Christ Is Arisen"; Bach's "Christ Lag in Todesbanden" (Cantata No. 4); "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today," arranged by Diane Bish; Verdi's "Amen," arranged by Hal Hopson; the "Hallelujah" Chorus from Handel's "Messiah"; with soloists, brass and timpani; George Davey, organist and choir director. 11 a.m. (212) 877-8227.

ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH (Episcopal), Park Avenue at 51st Street. At 9 and 11 a.m.: Mozart's Missa in C; "O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?" and "But Thanks Be to God," from Handel's "Messiah"; Harris's "Most Glorious Lord of Life"; Thompson's "Alleluia"; Toccata from Widor's Symphony No. 5; and other works; with brass quartet and timpani. At 1 p.m.: Britten's Missa Brevis; Dirksen's "Hilariter"; Toccata from Widor's Symphony No. 5; and other works; William K. Trafka, music director and organist. (212) 378-0222.

ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH (Roman Catholic), Washington Place and Avenue of the Americas, Greenwich Village. Byrd's "Haec Dies"; Croft's "We Will Rejoice"; Gabrieli's Canzona for Brass; "Hallelujah" Chorus from Handel's "Messiah"; with brass instruments; Jin Krista Kang, music director. 11:30 a.m. (212) 741-1274.

ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL (Roman Catholic), Fifth Avenue at 50th Street. Gounod's Gloria from Mass No. 2; Ungerer's "Terra Tremuit"; Gallus's "This Is the Day"; Victoria's "Victimae Paschali Laudes"; Beethoven's "Hallelujah" Chorus from "Christ on the Mount of Olives"; and Ferris's Festival Alleluias; Dr. Jennifer Pascual, music director. 10:15 a.m. Free tickets are necessary for admission; any remaining tickets will be available at the main office. Information: (212) 753-2261.

ST. THOMAS CHURCH (Episcopal), Fifth Avenue at 53rd Street. Vierne's Messe Solennelle; Noyon's "Christus Vincit"; Bairstow's "Sing Ye to the Lord"; Taverner's "Dum Transisset Sabbatum"; Bassano's "Dic Nobis, Maria"; Scheidt's "Surrexit Christus Hodie"; and other works; John Scott, music director and organist. 8 and 11 a.m. (212) 757-7013.

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♩ Colony Music
♩ Corner Stone Cues
♩ De Wolfe Music
♩ E.S. Posthumus
♩ Eminence Symphony Orchestra
♩ Epic Score
♩ Extreme Music
♩ Future World Music
♩ Groove Addicts
♩ Immediate Music
♩ Media Ventures
♩ Megatrax
♩ Music Junkies
♩ Musikvergnuegen
♩ Non Stop Music
♩ Position Music
♩ PostHaste Music Library
♩ Sheet Music Plus
♩ Siren Cues
♩ Two Steps From Hell
♩ West One Music
♩ X-Ray Dog Music
♩ audiomachine
♪ A.R.Rahman
♪ Alan Silvestri
♪ Bill Brown
♪ Bill Whelan
♪ Bob James
♪ Dave Koz
♪ David Arnold
♪ David Foster
♪ David Lanz
♪ Dominic Miller
♪ ENYA (org)
♪ Evelyn Glennie
♪ Fourplay
♪ Garry Schyman
♪ Gary Burton
♪ Hans Zimmer
♪ Harry Gregson-Williams
♪ Jim Dooley
♪ John Williams
♪ Jordan Rudess
♪ Karl Jenkins
♪ Keith Jarrett
♪ Klaus Badelt
♪ Libera
♪ Loreena McKennitt
♪ Mark Mancina
♪ Miriam Stockley
♪ New York Philharmonic
♪ Rasmus Faber
♪ Really Useful Group - Andrew…
♪ Sarah Brightman
♪ Secret Garden
♪ Steve Barakatt
♪ Steve Reich
♪ Sting
♪ Tim Rice
♪ Tom Salta
♪ Tommy Emmanuel
♪ Trevor Morris
♪ Veigar Margeirsson
♪ the real group
♬ Cry & Feel it
♬ Ensemble Planeta
♬ Kotaro Oshio (押尾コータロー)
♬ L'Arc~en~Ciel
♬ Lia's Cafe
♬ ORIGA (Ольга В. Яковлева = O…
♬ Pacific Moon
♬ TRUE PROJECT (都留教博 / 中村由利子 e…
♬ The Eccentric Opera
♬ ZABADAK (吉良知彦 / 小峰公子)
♬ biosphere (Record)
♬ 三宅純
♬ 上野洋子
♬ 下村陽子
♬ 久保田修
♬ 久石譲
♬ 伊藤真澄 = 七瀬光
♬ 佐橋俊彦
♬ 佐藤直紀
♬ 光田康典
♬ 力塾 (Record)
♬ 千住明
♬ 和田薫
♬ 坂本真綾
♬ 坂本龍一
♬ 大島ミチル
♬ 姫神
♬ 宮本文昭
♬ 小松亮太
♬ 小田和正
♬ 岩崎琢
♬ 崎元仁
♬ 川井憲次
♬ 平野義久
♬ 志方あきこ
♬ 志方あきこ VAGRANCY
♬ 新居昭乃
♬ 日本作編曲家協会
♬ 服部隆之
♬ 朝川朋之
♬ 村井秀清
♬ 松本晃彦
♬ 桜庭統
♬ 梶浦由紀
♬ 河井英里
♬ 浅倉大介
♬ 溝口肇
♬ 澤野弘之
♬ 田中公平
♬ 窪田ミナ1
♬ 窪田ミナ2
♬ 笠原弘子
♬ 篠田元一
♬ 羽毛田丈史
♬ 菅野よう子 Network
♬ 菅野祐悟
♬ 葉加瀬太郎
♬ 鳥山雄司
샐리의 오두막
꼬스빌 CCo's ville
♬ 中西俊博
◆ goo [語典] ◆
a Room of elC
Rose Garden
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