🌸Atelier L'Étoile🌸
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사용자 삽입 이미지

John Williams with the New York Philharmonic

New York Philharmonic
John Williams, conductor
Glen Dicterow, violin / Carter Brey, cello
Stanley Donen, special guest host

Williams: Sound the Bells!
Williams: "Flight to Neverland" from Hook
Williams: Suite from Jane Eyre
  To Thornfield
Williams: Three Pieces from Harry Potter
  Hedwig's Theme
  Aunt Marge's Waltz
  Harry's Wondrous World
Bock/arr. Williams: Excerpts from Fiddler on the Roof

--- Intermission ---

Whiting/arr. Williams: "Hooray for Hollywood" from Hooray for Hollywood
A Tribute to Stanley Donen (영상과 함께)
  Lane: "You're All the World to Me" from Royal Wedding
  DePaul: "Bless Your Beautiful Hide" from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
  Previn: "I Like Myself" from It's Always Fair Weather
  Fain: "The Worry Song" from Anchors Aweigh
  Brown: "Singin' in the Rain" from Singin' in the Rain
Williams: Sayuri's Theme from Memoirs of a Geisha
Williams: A Tribute to George Lucas and Steven Spielberg (영상과 함께)
  Jaws - Star Wars - Indiana Jones - E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
(존 윌리엄스 공연에서 꼭 듣다가 괜스리 가슴이 뭉클해져 안구에 습기가 도는 순간.
물론 관객들의 환호와 기립박수도 절정이고말구요~)

*Encore 1: The Sugarland Express
(스필버그 감독과의 35년간 collaboration의 시발점이 되었던 1973년도 작품)
*Encore 2: The Olympic Spirit (영상과 함께)
*Encore 3: NBC Sunday Night Football Theme

9월 14일 공연은 오케스트라 앞에서 두번째 왼쪽 줄에서 존 할아버님의 웃는 얼굴 표정 생생하게, 간간히 눈 마주쳐 가면서 빠져들어 듣고(Avery Fisher Hall 음향도 그 자리에선 나름대로 괜찮더라;;),
9월 16일 공연은 꼭대기층 중앙 싼 티켓 끊어서 디테일은 안 보여도 무대 전체 조망하면서 들었음.
(거리가 멀면 현장감뿐만 아니라 관객들이 내는 잡음이 끼어들어와 무대를 완벽하게 전달받지 못한다는 걸 다시금 느꼈지만; 나름 만족.)
Stanley Donen의 무대 매너는 별로 마음에 들지 않았지만, 로열 웨딩 촬영할 때 큰 구체 안에 사각 방 세트를 만들어 굴려가며 찍었다던가, Anchors Aweigh에서 처음 기획 당시엔 미키 마우스를 고려했었으나 "미키 마우스는 MGM을 위해 일하지 않아염!" 하는 말에 톰과 제리의 제리로 바뀌었다든가 정도는 재미있게 들었음.
공연 후 나와서 바로 버스 잡아타고 10분만에 집 근처 정류장에서 내리면서 맨하탄에서 사는 맛 다시 느끼고 귀가.

John Williams Fan Network http://www.jwfan.com/
John Williams From Wikipedia  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Williams

*추가: The New York Times 기사 :)

Music Review | New York Philharmonic
Come on With the Rain (Sharks and Ewoks Too)

Jennifer Taylor for The New York Times
John Williams leading the New York Philharmonic in a program of film music at Avery Fisher Hall.
Published: September 17, 2007

The New York Philharmonic has been busy of late, preparing for its gala opening-night concert tomorrow and the start of its subscription season on Wednesday. Yet it found time on Friday night to present a program, mostly of film music, conducted by John Williams. Also taking part was the director, choreographer and dancer Stanley Donen, who introduced scenes from his movie musicals, including “Singin’ in the Rain,” which, let’s face it, is the greatest movie musical of all time.

This was not just an evening of offbeat fun for the Philharmonic. The substantive program included a lot of bustling film music by Mr. Williams and others that few of the musicians may ever have played before. They seemed to enjoy themselves, though, as did an eager audience. This performance and two others over the weekend were nearly sold out.

Mr. Williams, who at 75 still conducts with kinetic energy, has taken flack from patronizing (and no doubt jealous) “serious” composers for the hyperexuberance and heart-tugging sentiment of his film scores. Still, he is a highly skilled and creative craftsman with dramatic flair, a keen ear for harmony and a proven knack for writing uplifting themes that are impossible to forget.

For this program he chose some of his lesser-known music: “Sound the Bells!,” for example, a celebratory piece written for the 1993 wedding of the Japanese Crown Prince Naruhito and Masako Owada. In this restless score, with its skittish brass riffs and sustained chromatic string chords, Mr. Williams deftly evokes Asian scales and instrumental colors.

His seldom-heard suite from “Jane Eyre,” a 1971 television movie, was a captivating surprise, especially the first movement, “Lowood,” with bittersweet harmonic language that recalled Vaughan Williams. Not surprisingly, an entrancing suite from the Harry Potter films had young people throughout Avery Fisher Hall sitting bolt upright in their seats.

Mr. Donen, wiry and affable at 83, seemed genuinely touched by the tribute to his work. Scenes from the films were shown on a screen above the orchestra as it played, posing difficult issues of coordination. When the films were made, the dancing was coordinated to recorded music. Here it was the opposite.

Five dance sequences were presented, all timeless achievements from movies Mr. Donen directed, alone or with Gene Kelly, or worked on. The segment began with Fred Astaire in “You’re All the World to Me,” from “Royal Wedding”: the number in which Astaire’s character, delirious in love, appears to dance on the walls and ceiling of a small furnished room. It ended, of course, with Kelly in the title number from “Singin’ in the Rain.”

The program ended with a montage of scenes from “Jaws,” “Star Wars,” “Indiana Jones” and “E.T.,” with Mr. Williams conducting patched-together excerpts from his scores. The audience applauded as each familiar theme sounded, then rose for an ecstatic ovation. Let high-art types gripe about Mr. Williams. Among those whose medium has been the orchestra, he is surely the best known, most popular and richest composer in history.

'Feel so good! > 公演' 카테고리의 다른 글

Anime Concerts from YouTube  (0) 2007.09.29
Calendar of Events@NYU Steinhardt  (0) 2007.09.10
Calendar of Events@JUILLIARD in 2007  (0) 2007.09.06
공연 일정들  (0) 2007.09.05

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