흥미로운 컨셉에 맞춘 요리책들. 라이카양이 재미있어할지도? (셰익스피어의 키친이 제일 호평임)
Shakespeare's Kitchen: Renaissance Recipes for the Contemporary Cook
The Philosopher's Kitchen: Recipes from Ancient Greece and Rome for the Modern Cook
Movie Menus: Recipes for Perfect Meals with Your Favorite Films
The Opera Lover's Cookbook: Menus for Elegant Entertaining http://www.francinesegan.com/books.html
Book Lover's Cookbook : Recipes Inspired by Celebrated Works of Literature, and the Passages That feature Them
A Food Lover’s Treasury
The Jane Austen Cookbook
Cooking with Jane Austen
Tea with Jane Austen
Recipe for a Book Club: A Monthly Guide for Hosting Your Own Reading Group
The Book Club Cookbook
Kafka's Soup: A Complete History of World Literature in 17 Recipes
Literary Feasts: Recipes from the Classics of Literature
Literary Feasts: Inspired Eating from Classic Fiction
A Feast of Words: For Lovers of Food Fiction