In 1933, Czech author Karel Capek (1890-1938) wrote a book about the adventures of a puppy, Dashenka: The Story of a Puppy. The precious and heartwarming illustrations in the book have been recreated on this techo cover.
A journalist by trade, Karel Capek was active across a variety of genres, including plays, novels, essays, travel books, children’s books and newspaper columns. His major works, such as The Gardener’s Year, are beloved by readers to this day, over 80 years after his death.
In the book the mischievous adventures of Dashenka, born to Capek’s fox terrier Iris, are lovingly recounted, with illustrations by Capek himself. The simple lineart of the illustrations perfectly depicts the puppy’s innocent expression and childlike behavior.
The front of the techo cover is based on the book’s 1971 printing, featuring drawings of Dashenka in various poses, the book title in the original Czech, and Capek’s name. The cover material is made with a soft canvas that’s pleasant to the touch.
The back of the techo cover shows Dashenka biting at someone’s legs and looking rather proud. Written in Czech is the playful phrase “attacking our feet.” Look inside the cover’s back pocket and you’ll see Dashenka yawn back at you.
The bookmark charms are black circles just like Dashenka’s eyes.
Glancing at the cute illustrations on this cover throughout the day can be enough to bring a smile to your face and give you a sense of relaxation. You’ve got happy days ahead when you spend them with this cute pup!