Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Your February Horoscope by Susan Miller
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This month fabulous new assignments will come your way, thanks to an unusual build-up of five planets in Aquarius. You'll like the work, too--it will have a new twist, so your mind will be fully engaged. It's a good thing you're highly organized, because you'll need to be! There will be so much to do!
The best part about all this (aside from the fact that the assignments will be fascinating) is that you will be paid very well. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune orbiting your earned income sector, will beam golden rays to almost five heavenly bodies in Aquarius this month. Wow! That's simply amazing! Don't be shy about the fee or salary you want--you will do better than you imagine! With such a superbly positioned Jupiter you CAN take risks, so go for a little more than you think they will offer. You may be surprised at the answer!
Planets in Aquarius suggest this assignment may involve mathematics, accounting, finance, science or high technology. It may concern computers, computer code writing or software development, electronics, or telecommunications. Aquarius is very socially minded, so it may focus on humanitarian concerns, social work, a nonprofit or charity.
The sixth house, where these planets will congregate, rules home maintenance and cleaning, personal grooming, spas, dental hygiene, tailoring and dressmaking, pets and their care. With Venus so close to Neptune, you might be involved in a writing / editing/ publishing project or an artistic endeavor. These industries will stand out for you in February, but of course there are other possibilities.
If you are self-employed, with this new trend your phone should ring off the hook! If you are unemployed, this news may bring the break you have been praying for, with more than enough work to keep you busy for a long time. In fact, if you were looking for a job, after this month's developments you might not have to work for anyone else and open your own business, instead. You may be on your way!
During the first week of February all this energy will be moving into place, but things won't click until the new moon on February 8. The seven days that follow will be your strongest of the month for job-related gains. Use the first week of February to get all your ducks in a row, and to plant seeds--they will start to take root in the second week.
This same new moon, February 8, will help you rededicate your self to a fitness-nutrition program. With Venus, Mercury, Neptune, the Sun and new moon in your house of health, you will have half the solar system on your side! Seize the moment, dear Virgo! (Virgo, more than any other sign, loves to stay active and eat right. Once you start, you'll have it no other way!)
At the start, while you rev up your metabolism, astrological wisdom suggests you keep to your present eating habits. After February 28, once your body has adjusted to greater demands, cut back on portion sizes--weight should come off more easily if you follow this strategy.
If you are concerned about a health matter, your chart suggests you should ask your doctor about a new procedure or new technological discovery. Chances are, there's reason for hope.
One of your best, most sparkling days of the month will be February 10 when your ruler Mercury will meet with Jupiter, the planet of goodies galore. This should be a remarkable day when things go your way, and you will feel happy and optimistic about life. If you need to take a business-related trip, this would be your day, for sure.
Financially, a red-letter day is due on Monday, February 7 when Jupiter and the Sun hold a meeting. Luck will be on your side. You will want to schedule your most important negotiations for this date.
Mars will enter your true love sector (fifth house) on February 6 and remain there until March 20--this is wonderful news if you are single or attached. The Red Planet will help you get out and enjoy life more, dear Virgo. I can't imagine any sign that deserves fun more than you! If you were thinking of having a baby and feel ready, Mars will help you make a decision and move forward.
Single Virgos will find that romance is hottest on the job--no surprise there, for you will be at the office so much this month! There is also some indication that there might be quite an age difference between you and a current love interest. If you find that to be the case, don't worry about it. It seems to work for you.
Valentine's Day, February 14, could work out to be outstandingly special this month. The moon will be in Taurus, a lovely placement. Of course, everything depends on how your relationship has been going all along--if you have a strong bond, you'll know it now. Venus will snuggle up to Neptune, a divine aspect for outstanding closeness. Venus will wave her wand and spread her sparkling love dust here, there and everywhere!
I wish I could say that the whole month would be divine, but the full moon in Virgo on February 23 is likely to bring some relationship turbulence. (All full moons have an area of influence of plus or minus four days.) Although it appears that you will be thinking about a romantic tie, this might not necessarily be the case. This full moon may bring up problems related to a business relationship, instead.
You will hear unexpected news and you may be quite upset by it, especially if you were born on or near August 28. August-born Virgos will feel this full moon more directly than those born in September. Saturn will try hard to aid the situation by helping you see the big picture and to think long term. This is significant because Saturn is the natural ruler of your fifth house of true love. The upbeat news is that Mars will do his best to help by sending a friendly beam to Uranus.
I say that this full moon will be troublesome, but I cannot say that for sure. You never know with Uranus--it is, after all, the planet of unexpected developments. Uranus brings coincidences, or weird circumstances. I would love to be wrong about this full moon! The only saving grace is that full moons bring essential information to your attention, and after it is delivered and the moon wanes, you will have made a decision. If you do decide that you have no choice but to split, Mars will stand by to help you find a new relationship should you want one. To say the least, this could be a mixed full moon.
New assignments will help keep you motivated and excited about work. If self-employed, business is about to boom. You seem to be working in a brand new area, one that will allow for creativity and input. Things will spin into motion from the new moon on February 8.
Also this month you may start to take a look at your lifestyle to see what changes you could make to enhance your looks and well-being. With many planets stacking in digital, computer-oriented Aquarius, you might find that surfing reputable health-related websites yields the tips you're after. A DVD workout could be enlightening and fun. If you want to be ready for swimsuit season, increase your level of exercise just after the new moon on February 8, and plan to cut portions after February 28.
Single or attached, Valentine's Day this year should turn out to be quite special. The moon will be in Taurus, a perfect place for you. Mars, the planet of action, will be in your house of true love in a rare, once-in-two-year visit. Enjoy the day!
Keep your antenna up near the full moon on February 24 when a lover's tiff could create seismic shifts. At this time, you may discover that your sweetheart has withheld information or feelings from you. Depending on what you learn, this could have you seeing red. If you feel this episode is an aberration then kiss and make up. If you feel it signifies something deeper, more drastic action may be needed.