Chocolate Designs
by Philippe Bertrand
and Philippe Marand
Discover the world of chocolate with this guide. Chocolate makers Philippe Bertrand and Philippe Marand, whose inventiveness and expertise are world famous, now present their latest innovations in more than 70 commercial chocolate pieces of various inspirations.
- 78 professional and original recipes
- Covers the history, processing and basic techniques of chocolate
- Full color photographs showing step-by-step progressive techniques
- Animals, childlike folding, architecture and design, traditional subjects
Each piece is accompanied by detailed directions and photos of the knacks-it involves, so that all confectioners can easily and successfully carry out its achievement.
The book also gives all the general information needed.
An Introduction to Chocolate
- Chocolate: A Short History
- The Processing of Cocoa
- Designations according to the European Legislation
- Basic Techniques
Chocolate Designs
- Egg-Shaped Pieces
- Folding and Cutting
- All about Molding
- A World of Chocolate
- Structure, Balance and Modernity
All the Pleasures
of Flavor:
Pastries and Desserts made
with Pure Cocoa Butter
Book or CD-ROM
by Philippe Bertrand
and Philippe Marand
Innovative chocolatiers Philippe Bertrand and Philippe Marand introduce their art and the surprising properties of cocoa butter, entirely vegetable, found in its natural state in cocoa beans which allows it to replace gelatine.
All the Pleasures of Flavor contains a wealth of ideas for desserts using this innovative ingredient, whether chocolate is contained in the dessert or not. Thirty four entremets and desserts are included with detailed techniques and photographs as clear demonstration.
All pastry chefs and chocolatiers will delight in this professional work.
Pâtisserie au Beurre de Cacao Mycryo™
Pastry Cooking Mycryo™ Cocoa Butter
Repostería con Manteca de Cacao Mycryo™
- Entremets chocolat blanc mures
White chocolate blackberry entremets
Postre de chocolate blanco y moras
- Entremets cassis citron meringué
Lemon blackcurrant meringue entremets
Postre merengado de casis y limón
- Tarte aux fraises au friand à l'huile de pépins de raisins
Strawberry tart with a grape seed oil friand
Tarta de fresas con sablé al aceite de pepitas de uva
- Bûche cherry chocolat
Cherry chocolate log
Tronco de cherry y chololate
- Entremets marron aux pommes Rhum Grand Marnier
Chestnut apple Grand Marnier Rum entremets
Postre castaña con manzana Ron Grand Marnier
- Entremets noix de coco passion meringué
Coconut passion fruit meringue entremets
Postre merengado al coco y fruta de la pasión
- Nougat feuilleté fruits des bois
Fruits of the forest nougat feuilleté
Nougat crusiente con frutas del bosque
- Chocolate chauds et leurs petits fours
Hot drinking chocolate and their petits fours
Chocolate caliente y sus petits fours
- Chocolats frappés aux épices et leur tuile au Grué de cacao
Spicy cold drinking chocolate and Grué de cacao tile biscuits
Chocolate helado con especias y teja al Grué de cacao
- Fondant cacao framboise aux éclats de chocolat
Chocolat chip and raspberry cocoa fondant
Fondant de cacao a la frambuesa con virutas de chocolate
- Gâteau week-end à l'orange
Orange weekend cake
Pastel week-end de naranja
- Bûche chocolat orange
Chocolate orange log
Tronco de chocolate y naranja
- Le chocolat café et son crémeux gianduja vanille
The chocolate coffee and his vanilla gianduja cream
Postre de chocolate blanco y moras
- Entremets chocolat blanc mures
White chocolate blackberry entremets
El chocolate café y sus crema de gianduja y vainilla
- Brindillé d'anis vert et de chocolat blanc
Speckled white chocolate anise entremets
Brindillé de anis verde y chocolate blanco
- Entremets Saint Domingue praliné
WSaint Domingue praline entremets
Pastel Saint Doningue pralin
- Le caramel noix
The walnut caramel
Tarta de caramelo nueces
- Tasse fruits rouges au coulis frâicheur
Cool coulis red fruit cup
Frutas rojas a la taza con coulis refrescante
- Délice aux trois chocolats
Three chocolate delight
Delicia a los tres chocolates
Dessert à l'Assiette au Beurre de Cacao Mycryo™
Mycryo™ Cocoa Butter Plated Desserts
Postres de plato a la Manteca de Cacao Mycryo™
- Fondant pistache fraise
Pistachio and strawberry fondant
Fondant de pistacho y fresa
- Palet au chocolat méditerranéen
Mediterranean chocolate palet
Palet de chocolate mediterráneo
- Nage glacée d'abricots aux croûtons dépices et son croustillant entremêlé
Glazed swimming apricots with spicy croutons and crispy pancake
Salsa helada de albaricoque con sus tropezones de pan de miel y crujiente
- Poire poêlée au friand à l'huile d'olive
Fried pear with an olive oil friand
Pera salteada y sablé al aceite de oliva
- Embeurrée de pommes fruits tiède aux flaveurs cacaotées de Tanzanie
Tanzania chocolate warm buttered apples
Salteado de manzanas tibias con aromas de cacao de Tanzania
- Nectar abricot au suprême de citron
Lemon supreme apricot nectar
Néctar de albaricoque con suprema de limón
- Quenelle au chocolat au lait de Papouasie au thé Earl Grey
Papouasie milk chocolate quenelle with Earl Grey tea
Quenafa de chocolate con leche de Papouasie al té Earl Grey
- Quenelle de crème chocolat blanc à l'anis vert
White chocolat and anise cream quenelle
Quenefa de crema de chocolate blanco al anís verde
- Pré-dessert d'abricots caramélisés et sa crème fondante Tanzanie
Caramelised apricot pre-dessert with Tanzanie fondant cream
Pre-postre de albaricoques caramelizados y su crema untuose Tanzanie
- Quatre-quart meringue groseille au romarin
Rosemary redcurrant meringue quatre-quart
Bizcocho con merengue de grosellas al romero
- Tranche amère aux bananes caramélisées à l'envolée de cacao
Caramelised banana and floating cocoa butter slice
Rebanada amarga con plátanos caramelizados y tul de cacao
- Croustillant café glacé et son nougat chocolat
Iced coffee crunch with chocolate nougat
Crujiente de café helado con su nougat de chocolate
- La cerise à quatre façons
Cherries four ways
Cereza a los cuatro estilos
- Le chocolat framboise croquant caramel
Chocolate raspberry caramel crisp
Chocolate y frambuesa con crocant de caramelo
- Moelleux chocolat Tanzanie pistache et coriandre
Pistachio and coriander Tansanie moist chocolate cake
Pastel esponjoso de chocolate Tanzanie con pistachos y cilantro
- Petit pot de crème au chocolat de Cuba et ses bâtonnets de chocolat au lait
Small Cuba chocolate pots with milk chocolate sticks
Tarrina de crema al chocolate Cuba con palitos de chocolate con leche
- Recettes de base
Basic recipes
Recetas base
- Glossaire
Chocolate Fantasy
by Franz Ziegler
Winner of the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2002 for the Best Chocolate Book
Creative and funny chocolate figures to enchant both young and old - an appropriate comment about the couverture craft by Franz Ziegler.
Chocolate Fantasy contains more than 100 of these pieces of art in chocolate, ranging from the easily producible serial product to elaborate display pieces.
This huge cauldron of ideas provides stimulating examples for the different seasons and events for which the professional pastry chef has to cater.
In addition, Franz Ziegler gives many practical hints, clever techniques and efficient production methods. This provides the basis for production that is economically viable whilst introducing the less experienced confectioner to the skills required for realizing their own Chocolate Fantasy.
- Winter and Carnival
- Valentine's Day and Mother's Day
- Easter
- Halloween
- Santa Claus and Christmas
- New Year's Eve and New Year
- Cocoa
- Potpourri
- Techniques: Tempering Couverture. Casting. Pipes and Sticks. flat Surfaces. Joining. Modeling Couverture. Spraying Couverture. Coloring Couverture. Eyes. Making Forms and Molds. Vacuum Forming. Stencils. Silk Screen Printing. Sources of Inspiration.
Chocolate Decorations
by Jean-Pierre Wybauw
Chocolate Decorations is Master Chocolatier Jean-Pierre Wybauw's great new chocolate book, a worthy companion to his famous Fine Chocolates which is a best selling professional book for the chocolatier, decorator, and pastry chef.
- more than 100 delicious and original chocolate decoration techniques
- hundreds of clear action, full-color, high quality images
- color photos of finished pieces
- detailed text instructions
Contents Decorations of Frozen Materials
- Decorations of frozen marble
- Various decorations with the help of a frozen spherical mould
- Creating chocolate decorations with the help of a frozen rod or cylinder
- Creating decorations with ice-cold liqueur
- Decoations with ice cream
Piped Decorations
- Lattice decoration
- Lattice cylinder
- Decoation in colored sugar
- Holly
- Palm trees
- Old objects
- Branches
- Pine tree
Decorating Moulds
- Picasso
- Marble
- Endless line
- Negative models in a mould
- Drops
- Broken egg effect
- Mould with sides
- Puzzle
- Spaghetti egg
- Airbrush on thin flexible silicone stencils
- Coloring with brush
- Covering with chocolate curls
- Lattice of thickened chocolate
- Egg with all manner of dry fruits, nuts or pearls
- Spraying with thin lines
- Egg with nest
- Structured egg
- Egg with line pattern
- Merging colors
- Special
- Flowers
- Assembling the flowers
- Leaves
Techniques for Chocolate Showpieces
- Cut and paste work
- Modeling chocolate
- Kneadable chocolate for modeling
- Preparation of a slab of chocolate for chocolate sculptures
- Gelatine moulds
- Latex moulds
- Silicone moulds
- Piping of chocolate using an airbrush
Various Techniques
- Flambé chocolate
- Abstract
- Curls, triangles, and two-colored strips
- All kinds of tubs
- Wafer-thin glossy chocolate sheets
- Chocolate bow
- Sprials - waves - circles
- Small loops for cake decoration
- Large waves for showpieces
- Rock, moss, or sand bottom
- Decorations on shiny foil to be cut out
- Wood
- Fans and band-shaped cake rims on heated sheet
Stencils - Patterns - Print Techniques
- Decorating with stencils
- Burning stencils
- Stencil to impress
- Basic stencils
- Self-made foil for imprints
- Impression of complex drawings
- Screen printing technique
Fine Chocolates
Great Experience
by Jean-Pierre Wybauw
photographs by Tony Le Duc
Fine Chocolates by Jean-Pierre Wybauw is a serious professional book for the chocolate professional. It is also a great source book of ideas.
This new book will be welcomed by all professional chocolatiers and students of the art.
- More than 100 professional and original recipes all accompanied by a full page, full color photograph
- Great technical sections covering sugar processing, crystallizing, shelf life, rheology, viscosity, and much more
- Full color photographs showing step-by-step progressive techniques
- Charts, tables, yield values, temperature controls
- Natural and artificial sweeteners
This extensive and practical manual includes a theoretical section with vivid illustrations. It covers everything the chocolatier needs to know about chocolate and sugar processing, rheology and shelf life.
More than 100 mouth-watering and original chocolate recipes are described in detail and illustrated with superb photographs. The introduction of an 'aW' value for chocolates is unique. This is a standard, essential handbook for professionals.
- Characteristics of the Most Frequently Used Ingredients
- Chocolate Processing
- Rheology
- Shelf Life and Factors that Extend Shelf Life
- Sugar Processing
- Starting Out
- Praline Recipes Based on Nuts
- Fat-Based Recipes
- Ganaches
- Caramels
- Nougat
- Fruit-in-Liqueur Chocolates Marzipan and Persipan
- Truffles and chocolate Truffle Balls
- Fruit Dough
- Miscellaneous
Fine Chocolates 2
Great Ganache Experience
by Jean-Pierre Wybauw
photographs by Frank Croes
Jean-Pierre Wybauw has done it again with his second Fine Chocolates book—Great Ganache Experience.
If you liked Fine Chocolates, then you will automatically want this second volume, which deals with ganaches, which represent the bulk of modern praline assortments.
This new book will be welcomed by all professional chocolatiers and students of the art.
- Fabulous new and original recipes from Jean-Pierre with full-page full-color photographs
- Great technical sections covering emulsifying ingredients, fat mixtures, precrystallizing, homogenizing, curdling, ganaches created under vacuum, shelf life, preservatives, flavor combinations, making ganaches lighter, and much more
- Full color photographs showing step-by-step progressive techniques
- Charts, tables, yield values, temperature controls
- and much more!
Mouth-watering, original ganache recipes are described in detail and illustrated with superb photographs.
- High Quality Ganache
- Main Ingredients
- Technical Aspects
- Starting Out
- Special Ganaches
- Ganaches with Stimulating Properties
- Caramel-Based Ganaches
- Fruity Ganaches
- More Suggestions
- Pralines with Several Layers
- Useful Information
Belgian Chocolates
by Roger Geerts
Belgian Chocolates is a visual sourcebook of chocolates from outstanding Belgian chocolatier and confectioner Roger Geerts.
Numerous imaginative professional recipes are presented, which the author has gathered during his 40 years experience in the field, providing a diverse and varied selection for today's confectionery library. Additionally, this book covers techniques, equipment, trouble shooting, and more. Full color photoraphs illustrate the recipes.
- Introduction
- Utensils
- The Ten Commandments of a Good Chocolatier
- Of Paramount Importance
- Basic Recipes
- Basic Techniques
- Dipped Chocolates
- Truffles
- Moulded Chocolates
- Caramelizing and Candying
- Various Chocolate Goods
- Liqueur and Confectionery
- Fruit Candies
Chocolates and Confectionery
Volumes 1 and 2
by l'École Lenôtre
Combining tradition and innovation, l'École Lenôtre presents two volumes of sweet and chocolate based recipes, venturing into contrasts of flavors, materials, and textures.
Volume 1 Contains
- Classic ganaches
- Crystallised fruits
- The great classics
- Sugar sweets
- Gums, liquorices, and marshmallow
- Glossary
Volume 2 Contains
- Individual chocolates and bars
- Tarts
- Pralines
- Original ganaches
- Nougats
- Unusual ganaches
- Jams and jellies
- Chocolate desserts
- Candied Fruits
- Glacé chestnuts
- Pralines
- Caramels
- Liqueurs
- Almond pastes
- Disguised fruits
- Desserts in the dish
- Moulded sweets
- Glossary
Artisan confectioners and chocolate makers will find a source of new ideas that will help them better harness the gourmandise market.
by Ramon Morató
This book contains all the "savoire faire" of a genuine number one chocolate expert. It is difficult to describe in words the artistry of Ramon Morató but his book certainly does him justice.
In his new book Ramon Morató presents a synthesis of all the knowledge in his possession that has matured over these past years. He shows the multiple ways it is possible to apply and combine the real star in this book: Chocolate!
Recipes for breakfasts and snacks, drinking chocolate, jams and creams, bonbons, turrons, snacks, individual cakes, plate desserts, petit fours, products and techniques.
Ramon Morató's Chocolate is a must for any professional in the chocolate industry.
This book is bi-lingual English/Spanish.
- The history of chocolate
- What is chocolate?
- From cocoa to chocolate
- How to choose the right product
- Breakfasts and snacks
- Chocolate in baked products
- Drinking chocolate theory
- Jams and creams theory
P—Pastries and Cakes
- A study on chocolates mousses
- Study of the truffle used for making cakes and pastries
- Cakes
- Individual cakes
- Other desserts
- Main aspects when preparing filling
- Main filling categories
- Caramel
- Liquor bonbons
- Fondant
- Truffle or ganache
- Butter-based fillings
- Nougat
- Fruit pastes
- Pralines and giandujas
- Turrons
- Snacks
- Pre-crystallization or tempering of chocolate
- The coating and molding process
- Common faults during the coating or molding process
- Candy
- Storage of products
- Common faults encountered in bonbons
- Desserts
- Petit fours
- Study of bonbons used in restaurants
Raw Materials
- Sugars
- Fats
- Dairy products
- Egg Products
- Nuts
- Flour
- Starch
- Gelatin
- Additives
General Conditions of Hygiene
Index of Recipes
- Basic recipes
- Recipe index in alphabetical order
Paco Torreblanca
The Book
Volume One
The outstanding success of this book in Spanish has prompted the publication of this new edition which is simultaneously in English and Spanish, both languages in the same book.
This oversized, beautiful hardcover book is illustrated with full color, high quality photos throughout. There are photographs of the finished pieces, plus many step-by-step techniques photos. Ingredients are given in metric units.
A second book which is softcover, accompanies the main book. This is a working book which can be used in the kitchen and which also contains all of the recipes along with construction diagrams. An excellent idea which will enable the user to keep the color book in pristine condition.
Paco Torreblanca: The Book covers the extensive world of cakes and pastries, based on the professional career of legendary Paco Torreblanca, a career of over 30 years so far.
Paco Torreblanca: The Book includes plated desserts, cakes, step-by-step recipes of sponge cakes, sugar and isomalt decorations, chocolate and chocolates, artistic compositions and traditional doughs.
It also covers other complements such as different types of tea and coffee and the pairing of wine with all the cakes and desserts in the book.
The creation of a cake
The new dessert cart
The soul of chocolates
Important details
Sugar, the first pleasure
Decorative elements
Artistic Presentations
Beverages and infusions
Hygiene, a vital factor
Paco TorreblancaVolume Two
The outstanding success of Paco Torreblanca's first book has prompted the publication of Volume Two which is simultaneously in English and Spanish, both languages in the same book.
In Volume Two, the great master Paco Torreblanca steps into the world of gastronomy, whilst following the basic principles of pastry making.
Paco Torreblanca Volume Two is full of new techniques and, above all, great ideas of extraordinary creative value, albeit their simple preparation:
- new crunchies
- dry meringues and milks
- sugar candies and caviars
- different uses for brioche and financier cakes
- vegetable crystals and pañuelos, sweet and savory
This oversized, beautiful hardcover book is illustrated with full color, high quality photos throughout. There are photographs of the finished pieces, plus many step-by-step techniques photos. Ingredients are given in metric units.
A second book which is softcover, accompanies the main book. This is a working book which can be used in the kitchen and which also contains all of the recipes along with construction diagrams. An excellent idea which will enable the user to keep the color book in pristine condition.
Section I: The Ideas
- Sugar crystals
- Candies:
- Isomalt
- Filled fruits
- Desserts
- Financier sponge cake
- Preparation of the hazelnut butter
- Financier tiles
- Dessert
Milk and dry meringues
- Milk cookies
- Milk skin
- Meringues
- Desserts
Crispy culinary products
- Fruit and vegetable chips
- Peineta
- Crispy doughs (tuiles and other shapes)
- Crispy bread with olive oil and salt
- Cabello de ángel
- Desserts
- Salted chocolates
- Cubes for a presentation
- Shavings, to be served with coffee
- Dessert
- Silver ingot
Jellied pastes
- Jellied fruit pastes
- Fruit paste with agar agar
- Chopped fruit paste
- Desserts
Fried vegetable handkerchiefs and crystals and fruit sheets
- Fried vegetable hadkerchiefs and crystals
- Fruit sheets
- Dessert
- Macaroons recipe
- To bear in mind with regard to macaroons
- Desserts
Sweet breads
- Brioches
- Spiced bread
- Tea cookies
- Fried doughs, fritters, coquettes, puff paste bacon
Section II: Raw Materials and Technology
Sugar in gastronomy
- Classification
- Cooking sugar
- Syrups
- Artistic sugar
- Working techniques
- Working techniques and technology
Dairy products
Virgin olive oil
- Parameters for defining the category of different types of olive oil
- Organoleptic assessment
- Nutritional values and therapeutical properties
- Beneficial effects on the human organism
Raw material album
- Sugars
- Powders and extracts
- Nut pastes and pralines
- Oils
Section III: The Recipes
- Sugars
- Financiers
- Milk and dry meringues
- Crispy culinary products
- Chocolates
- Jellied pastes
- Fried vegetable handkerchiefs and crystals and fruit sheets
- Macaroons
- Sweet breads
- Complements
Recipe Index
Fusion Chocolate
by Frédéric Bau
From the acclaimed chocolatier and patissier Frédéric Bau, creator of Au Coeur des Saveurs comes this wonderful new perspective on chocolate—Fusion Chocolate—the first professional proponent of chocolate cuisine.
Its not just a question of desserts, but rather savory cuisine, with chocolate playing a central role. Transformed from being the "final touch" in the texture of a sauce to being the star of the dish, exalted in all its splendor, a new world of aromas and flavors is created around chocolate, adeptly pairing it with meats, fish and many other surprising ingredients.
Frédéric Bau, the celebrated head pastry chef and director of L'Ecole de Valrhona, undoubtedly knows more than anyone concerning chocolate and its application in sweet or savory cuisine. Hundreds of high quality full-color photographs by Jean Bernard Lassara bring this new concept to life. Complete directions are given for each recipe, and ingredients are listed in pounds and ounces.
Professional chefs will love this opportunity to widen their horizons and develop a new and unusual repertoire—to present an unforgettable experience for their clients.
Finding the Way
Chocolate Techno
- The History
- The "Bouquet" of Chocolate
- The Right Touch
The Menu
- A Chocolate for Every Dish
- Hors d'Oeuvres
- Cold Appetizers
- Hot Appetizers
- Water
- Earth
- Cheeses
- Sweet Delights
- Mignardises
Basic Recipes
Flavor Combinations
Index of Preparations
| Saveurs Chocolatées
English and French Text
by Joël Bellouet and
Jean-Michel Perruchon
Joël Bellouet and Jean-Michel Perruchon have done it again! These two incredibly artistic pastry chefs have produced a new, wonderful repertoire of chocolate creations, in all their different forms and shapes:
- dessert
- small cakes
- plated desserts
- verrines
- chocolate candies
- artistic showpieces
Additionally you will find construction diagrams, full-color photographs of the finished pieces, descriptive and detailed instructions in English and French, and a final section of chocolate techniques, with step-by-step color photos.
This beautiful new chocolate book by Joël Bellouet and Jean-Michel Perruchon is a must for the pastry chef, and for the chocolatier.
- 338 pages of cakes, desserts, verrines, petits fours, chocolate candies and more from two of the most acclaimed chocolatiers in France today
- Full page, full color photos illustrate the finished pieces
- Construction diagrams are shown for the relevant cakes, verrines, desserts and miniature cakes, in color, showing all of the layers in the complete assembly
- Separate section of techniques shown in progressive full color photos
- Unique section contains fabulous decorative chocolate centerpieces
- Detailed text is in English and French
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* Ramon Morató
* Franz Ziegler
* Jean-Pierre Wybauw (이 사람 책은 그나마! 아마존에서도 좀 싸게 구할 수 있음.)